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2 câu trả lời 252
You: Hey, I noticed you've been skipping classes quite a bit lately. Everything okay?
Friend: Oh, hey! Yeah, I'm just not feeling it, you know? Sometimes you just need a break from all this school stuff.
You: I get it, everyone needs a break now and then, but it seems like you're doing it pretty often. Aren't you worried about falling behind?
Friend: Nah, it's no big deal. Plus, everyone does it sometimes. You should try it too, it's liberating!
You: I hear you, but I'm not sure it's the best idea. We have responsibilities, and missing class can really affect our grades and our future opportunities.
Friend: Come on, don't be such a stickler. Live a little! What's the harm in skipping a few classes here and there?
You: Well, besides the impact on our grades, there's also the risk of getting into trouble with the school. I don't want to jeopardize our education or our reputations.
Friend: Hmm, I guess you have a point. I'll try to cut back a bit, but seriously, don't knock it till you've tried it!
You: Fair enough, but I think I'll stick to attending classes for now. Let's focus on finding ways to make school more enjoyable instead of avoiding it altogether.
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