Trương Nguyễn Thanh Vân
Sắt đoàn
Câu trả lời của bạn: 17:42 28/11/2020
1. Her mother wrote a sick note for her
(-)Her mother didn't write a sick note for her
(?)did her mother write a sick note....?
2. Nam was absent from school yesterday.
-Nam wasn't absent from school yesterday
?Waw Nam absent from school yesterday?
3. I had a bad cold two days ago.
- I didn't have a bad cold two days ago
?Did I have bad cold two days ago?
4. Many students caught flu last month.
-Many students didn't catch flu last month
?Did many students catch flu last month?
5. They were happy with their life.
-They weren't happy with their life
?were they happy with their life
6. He suggested going out for dinner.
-he didn't suggest going out for dinner
?did he suggest goin out for dinner
7. I was busy last Sunday.
-I wasn't busy last Sunday
?were you busy last Sunday
8. We enjoyed our summer vacation.
-Wư didn't enjoy our summer vâction
?Did we enjoy our summer vacation?
Câu trả lời của bạn: 11:53 28/11/2020