hắc thiên junz
Vàng đoàn
Put in “much” or “many” to complete these sentences.
1. We saw ……… interesting things in the museum.
2. We don’t have ………… bananas, and we don’t have …………… fruit juice.
3. She invites ……… friends to her birthday party.
4. Do you have ……… notebooks? - Yes, I have ten.
5. There isn’t …… sugar in this bottle.
6. Paula hasn’t got …………… money to travel around the world .
7. There are …………… old temples in Chiang Rai .
8. There aren’t ………… hotels in this town .
9. Does your father drink ………… coffee?
10. The old man hasn’t got ……… hair on his head .
11. I’m sorry, I don’t have …………… time .
12. That store hasn’t got ……… notebooks .
13. Today I’ve got …………… work to do .
14. He always puts ……… sugar in his tea .
15. She didn’t make ………… mistakes in her test .
16. We don’t have ……………juice left . I’ll go to buy some .
17. How ………… money do you earn ?
18. We didn’t take ………… photos when we were on vacation .
19. Did you get ………… homework ?
20. How…………… sisters does he have?
Yêu Tổ quốc từ những giọt mồ hôi tảo tần. Mồ hôi rơi trên những cánh đồng cho lúa thêm hạt. Mồ hôi rơi trên những công trường cho những ngôi nhà thành hình, thành khối. Mồ hôi rơi trên những con đường nơi rẻo cao Tổ quốc của những thầy cô trong mùa nắng để nuôi ước mơ cho các em thơ. Mồ hôi rơi trên thao trường đầy nắng gió của những người lính để giữ mãi yên bình và màu xanh cho Tổ quốc…
(Nguồn http://vietbao.vn ngày 9-5-2014)
Câu 1. Xác định phương thức biểu đạt trong văn bản trên?
Câu 2. Biện pháp tu từ nào được sử dụng nhiều nhất trong văn bản trên? Nêu tác dụng của biện pháp tu từ đó?
Câu 3. Những từ ngữ: cánh đồng, công trường gợi nhớ đến đối tượng nào trong cuộc sống?
Câu 4 : từ đoạn trích hãy viết đoạn văn nghị luận bàn về tình yêu quê hương
Xem thêm tại: https://loigiaihay.com/doc-hieu-de-so-15-c122a20515.html#ixzz7F1mV4Wma
tóm tắt từ : " Đã ba bốn hôm nay rồi , ông Hai không bước chân ra đến ngoài ... đến Không thể được ! Làng thì yêu thật , nhưng làng theo Tây mất rồi thì phải thù " -> đoạn chữ nhỏ trong bài LÀNG của KIM LÂN
Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences.
1. Children get present ______ Christmas and ______ their birthday.
(at … at / on … on / on … at / at … on)
2. If you are going to the post office, would you post a letter ______ me?
(to / at / on / for)
3. The windows haven’t been cleaned ______ weeks.
(ago / since / for / to)
4. We usually go to our home village at least once ______ the summer.
(in / on / to / for)
5. He said that John ______ up his job.
(has given / have given / had given / had to give)
6. When I saw Susan, she said she was taking her driving test ______.
(today / the next day / tomorrow / the tomorrow)
7. My TV is broken. I wish it ______ soon.
(would be repaired / is repaired / was repaired / will be repaired)
8. I have lived with my parents. I wish I ______ an apartment.
(will have / had / would / has)
9. Have you ever wished you ______ to ski when you were younger?
(will learn / could learn / learn / can learn)
10. Sometimes he wishes he ______ a different career when he graduates.
(can choose / choose / will choose / could choose)
11. Matthew said he was meeting a friend at the station later ______.
(that day / yesterday / tomorrow / this today)
12. The astronauts have already been in orbit ______ two days.
(since / for / till / to)
13. We have lunch from 12.00 ______ 1.00. Then we start again go on ______ 5.30.
(to … at / from … to / to … to / to … till)
14. She said that she ______ to learn to drive.
(is going / go / goes / was going)
15. She asked me ______ I liked pop music.
(if / that / what / when)
16. She said that she was going away for a few days and ______ phone me when she got back.
(will / must / would / shall)
17. I’ve lived in this street ______.
(in 1998 / for 1998 / since 1998 / tomorrow)
18. I want two seats for Romeo and Juliet ______ Friday night.
(on / in / at / to)
19. Our train arrived in York ______ 6.00.
(in / for / on / at)
20. There was an accident at the crossroads ______ midnight last night.
(at / for / on / in)
21. She said she ______ come to the party on Friday.
(won’t / doesn’t / can’t / couldn’t)
22. I’m going to swim ______ Monday with Tom.
(at / on / for / of)
23. If my watch is broken, I ______ buy a new one because I always need one.
(have to / might / have / may)
24. I have got an awful headache. If I see a chemist’s, I ______ buy some aspirins.
(must / might / may / should to)
25. I plan to travel around the world. If I don’t visit my father in Japan this year, I ______ go to the USA.
(must / have / may / ought to)
26. If you want to get good grades, you ______ study hard.
(must / ought / have / have)
27. Let’s wait ______ it stops raining.
(until / for / to / since)
28. I have lived in this house ______.
(ago six years / in six years / since six years / for six years)
29. Columbus discovered America ______ the 15th century.
(in / since / for / on)
30. The course begins ______ 8 am ______ 5 pm.
(from … during / from … since / from … to / in … to)
31. I fell asleep ______ the movie.
(during / since / from / for)
32. Bill asked where ______ from.
(do I come / did I come / I come / I came)
33. He wonders what ______ with my heavy luggage.
(I will do / I would do / will I do / I do)
34. He said that he was coming ______.
(tomorrow after / yesterday / the next day / following day)
35. You ______ go to university if you want to study medicine.
(has to / will / must / ought)
36. If you want to loose weight, you ______ eat too many sweets.
(might not / mustn’t / shouldn’t / may not)
37. She wishes she ______ a new bicycle.
(can have / will have / has / could have)
38. I ______ it ______ rain so much in this city.
(wishes … didn’t / wish … didn’t / wished … don’t / wish … don’t)
39. If you want to get well, you ______ see a doctor.
(must / might / may / ought)
40. ______ you ever wish you ______ fly?
(Did ... could / Do … could / Do … can / Did … can)
41. If he doesn’t come soon, he ______ be late.
(has / ought to / ought / might)
42. I wish I ______ on a beautiful sunny beach now.
(would be lying / can be lying / can be lied / could be lying)
43. ______ he will change his job if he go to the USA.
(Perhaps / Since / Recently / Lately)
44. He ______ someone ______ answer that telephone. It’s been ringing for about five minutes.
(wish … can / wish … would / wishes … can / wishes … would)
45. If the kitchen is in a mess, you ______ clean it.
(will / might / ought to / may)
46. I wish you ______ so fast. It makes me nervous.
(weren’t driving / can’t drive / won’t drive / will not drive)
47. The music next door is very loud. I wish they ______.
(would turn it down / can turn down it / will turn it down / turn down it)
48. He will stay there ______ the beginning of the October.
(for / to / until / on)
49. ______ afternoon, he feeds the chickens and collects their eggs.
(The / In the / At / On)
50. What are you doing ______ weekend?
(till this / the / in this / this)
cho nửa đường tròn tâm O đường kính AB=2R . điểm c nằm bất kỳ thuộc nửa đường tròn ( C không thuộc A và B ) . gọi D là giao điểm của đường thẳng BC với tiếp tuyến tại A của nửa đường còn tâm O và I là trung điểm của AD .
a) Chứng ming : AC vuông góc với BD
b) Chứng minh : BC . BD không đổi khi C chuyển động trên nửa đường tròn .
c) Chứng minh : IC là tiếp tuyến của nửa đường tròn tâm O .