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Find out and correct ONE mistake in each of the following sentences
1. I thought it was a very depressed movie.
2.There are a large supply of pens and notebooks in the store room to the left of the library entrance.
3.If one is invited for a birthday party, it is proper to go with a gift.
4. Diamond itself is the only material hard enough to cut and polishes diamonds.
5. Mercury is not often visible because it is so near the sun to be seen.
Read the passage and decide whether the statements (1-7) are TRUE or FALSE. Mr. Alex Fraser lived his whole life in a small town in the north of England. He never left the house where he was born, never married, never went on holiday and had no friends. He worked in a local factory for over forty years but even the people who had worked with him for years knew very little about him. He wore the same old clothes year in year out, and although he shopped regularly at the local store he bought only the most basic foodstuffs, never changed he purchases from one week to the next. So when he died last month, neighbors and local people were astonished to learn that Mr. Fraser was not just a rich man, he was in fact a millionaire! He had no money in the bank or invested anywhere but in the various drawers, cupboards and boxes in his house there were hundreds and thousands of banknotes and coins. It took the police over two week to clear the house, and bank clerks spent just as long counting all the money. ‘’ We had absolutely no idea that he had so much money’’ one of his neighbors said. ‘’In fact, we used to feel sorry for him, we thought he was a poor old man who was unable to afford anything better for himself!’’
1. Mr. Fraser lived most of his life in a small town in England. .................
2. The people who had worked with Mr.Fraser in a local factory ................. did not know much about him
3. Mr.Fraser bought new clothes for hinself once a year. .................
4. Mr.Fraser always bought the same kinds of at the local store ..................
5. Although Mr.Fraser lived as if he were a poor man, he was, in .................. fact, a very rich man
6. When he died, he left so many banknotes and coins in his house .................. That the bank clerks had to spend two weeks counting them.
7. Mr.Fraser’s neighbors always knew that he had a lot of money. ..................
1. Cho biết khí khổng tồn tại ở những trạng thái nào? trạng thái nào giúp thực hiện chức năng trao đổi khí
2.Giả sử nhà em ở gần một cở sở xay xát gạo. Tiếng ồn phát ra từ máy xay xát gạo làm ảnh hướng đến sinh hoạt và học tập của em. Em hãy đưa ra một số giải pháp nhằm hạn chế tiếng ồn phát ra từ máy xay xát gạo này ?
Vì sao quá trình hô hấp tế bào diễn ra suất ngày đêm?