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Câu trả lời của bạn: 11:29 04/04/2022
cách tính lấy 3:4
Câu trả lời của bạn: 11:04 21/03/2022
Choose the best word to complete the sentence: After school, we can play football, ______ we can play basketball. *
or √
Câu hỏi:
Câu trả lời của bạn: 10:58 12/03/2022
những thành tựu của thái Lan khi gia nhập aesan
Câu trả lời của bạn: 10:52 12/03/2022
Câu trả lời của bạn: 10:50 12/03/2022
Câu trả lời của bạn: 10:50 12/03/2022
Câu trả lời của bạn: 10:50 12/03/2022
Câu trả lời của bạn: 10:49 12/03/2022
Câu trả lời của bạn: 10:49 12/03/2022
Câu trả lời của bạn: 10:48 12/03/2022
Câu trả lời của bạn: 10:41 12/03/2022
480 485 408 405 458 450
805 804 840 850
508 504 580 540
Câu trả lời của bạn: 10:38 12/03/2022
Câu hỏi:
Câu trả lời của bạn: 10:34 12/03/2022
Câu nào có thấy cái gì đâu zậy trời :((((
Câu trả lời của bạn: 10:33 12/03/2022
Nếu có 666 người mà Chỉ có 1 quả tao thì ăn kiểu gì
táo khổng lồ
Câu trả lời của bạn: 10:14 12/03/2022
turtulike to uytuvisit Tokhjkjhyo, whickjhkjhh jkis the capjhkjital city in Japan. It’s one of my favourite cities in the world.trfjsrtujtsr ruuis trseurved byrt two international airports, Haneda and Narita. From there, we canrt ucentrauTokyo by regular or limousine buses, orrdhtrfj trains. The bestuuuuurdtaesayguuju time to visit Tokyo is in the spring, when the cherry blossoms blẻyseom raeyrey(typically March to April) and yretỷeye autuỷeyaysemn, whýeyreen thryeyree wereyreyather coyỷeyrereyreyrelsayre (between September and November). That being said, the weatherỷtr inỷtyToỷtkyo is fairly temperate — even in the winter — although it can be hot and humid uỷuym rte Jutrutrutrne trtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrto thỷtyetrik ersrtuyurtsujsrttnd odrhytfgjyf Aukytkisrtgust.
Which city in the worlhsit Tokjhlfyo, whhhhljhljhich is thjhhe capital city in Japan. It’ks for your listkhgeninggh.khg
llo, everyone. My name is …
I’d like to vi visit Tokyo is in the spring, when the cherry blossoms bloom (typically March to April) and in the autumn, when the weather cools (between September and November). That being said, the weather in Tokyo is fairly temperate — even in the winter — although it can be hot and humid from late June to the end of August.
Here I would like to vthe home of technology and anime culture; experience vibrant youth culture in Harajuku and Shibuya, the trend capitals of Tokyo; visit Tokyo' s most famous temple, Sensoji, before ferrying down the Sumida River.
Which city in the world would you like to visit? Do you have the same interest as me? Please share it. Thanks for your listening.isit the imperial palace, the morning fish market, see the beautiful cherry blossoms, party in Tokyo’s trendy nightlife district, sing karaokes one of my favokhgurite cities in thejhlfjh world. Tokyo is served by two interljhhjghlnatikfllhkhgllhfnal airlfjports, Haneda and Narita. Frojhljhm there, we can reach chntral Tokyo bjhly jhlreghular or llimojhlusikjne buses, or trains. The best time tod would you like tojhl visit? Do you have the skamj;.e ikj;lteresljht agjxkftfgjhjs me?fgljeaskgare it. Than, and eat lots of amazing food. There are the other things I would like to do when I visit Tokyo: explore Tokyo's dizzying array of restaurant and dining options, from theme cafes to haute cuisine; check out the latest electronics, games and gadgets at Akihabara,
Câu trả lời của bạn: 10:11 12/03/2022
Hello, everyone. My name is …
I’d like to visit Tokyo, which is the capital city in Japan. It’s one of my favourite cities in the world. Tokyo is served by two international airports, Haneda and Narita. From there, we can reach central Tokyo by regular or limousine buses, or trains. The best time to visit Tokyo is in the spring, when the cherry blossoms bloom (typically March to April) and in the autumn, when the weather cools (between September and November). That being said, the weather in Tokyo is fairly temperate — even in the winter — although it can be hot and humid from late June to the end of August.
Here I would like to visit the imperial palace, the morning fish market, see the beautiful cherry blossoms, party in Tokyo’s trendy nightlife district, sing karaoke, and eat lots of amazing food. There are the other things I would like to do when I visit Tokyo: explore Tokyo's dizzying array of restaurant and dining options, from theme cafes to haute cuisine; check out the latest electronics, games and gadgets at Akihabara, the home of technology and anime culture; experience vibrant youth culture in Harajuku and Shibuya, the trend capitals of Tokyo; visit Tokyo' s most famous temple, Sensoji, before ferrying down the Sumida River.
Which city in the world would you like to visit? Do you have the same interest as me? Please share it. Thanks for your listening.
Câu hỏi:
Câu trả lời của bạn: 10:04 12/03/2022
"Ko phải những câu này ạ" là sao ?????????? chả hiểu gì cả qwertyuioplkjhgfdsaxzcvvbm,
Câu hỏi:
Câu trả lời của bạn: 20:53 25/02/2022
K | RWR R | H | WR | O | UYOIU | N | UOIU | G | UO |
T | KJH | I | XAD | N | G | H | GHJHGKJH | KK | |
HGJKHK | KJKJHK | uyluuuuuy | KHFJH | uylkiuloil | ytokareqah | rehtj | GJHGKJHG | KJKKHG | |
N | KJKJ | O | yktuyl | I | GHRDSJGFT | hfgjuk | GFJYTK | ỴYTKIR | FTGJ |
VCNXGFK | RỂ | RERET | uylkiul | HỴUU | KIUOUYO | IPOIUP | H | gdhdsfhad | hgkjdhgkghk |
FGCJNHGK | tịykiu | ẻytikulil | DFRETGR | fgjhg | FH | G | G | hgkhgk | adhdafh |
FGJHGK | HJKKJ | ÁDArewytki | dfjkfdhgk | KJKJKJKJ | hgkkkkkkkkjh | KJKJKJ | fdhafd | JKKJH | dfhfdh |
DSG | HJDHFD | FFHFHD | JKKJKJKJ | fgjsygjghg | JKKJKJ | hkhgđ | KJKJHKK | sdgfdh | JHKJH |
QEWTREYRTI | SFGDHG | FDYTIULOIL.;/FC | hgjhgkhg | JHKFHSDFA | hgkhgkhgk | HKF | hfhdaahfdh | JHKJHKF | dagfdh |
Câu hỏi:
Câu trả lời của bạn: 20:48 25/02/2022
Note: You need to write a response to an e-mail that you will read. What your response needs to include is in the directions so make sure you also read the directions carefully.
Câu hỏi:
Câu trả lời của bạn: 20:47 25/02/2022
Về mặt định nghĩa: Người học chọn lựa đáp án True khi thông tin trong câu nhận định hoàn toàn giống với thông tin đưa ra trong bài đọc. Người học chọn lựa đáp án False khi câu nhận định đưa ra thông tin trái ngược hoặc sai so với với thông tin trong bài đọc.