minh nguyen
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tìm 2 số a ,b biết ƯCLN( a,b ) = 9 ; a + b = 324
1) (-5)-(-18)-(-9)-(+3)
2) -11-(-15)-(-13)-(-9)-(-5)
3) (-4)-(-8)-(-15)+(-10)
4) -(-4)-(-12)-(+5)+19
5) -(+7)-(-12)-(-9)+(+10)
6) -(28-30+4)
7) 16-(-3)+(-5)-(+7)+12
8) 13-(17–15-3)+(4+8-9)
Toán Học · Lớp 6Bài 1: a, ( 325 + 192 – 768 ) – ( -168 + 92 – 75 ) b, ( -39 ) . ( - 72 ) + 39 . ( -172) Bài 2: a, ( -143 ) – x = ( -38 ) b, ( 3x + 4 )2 = 49 Bài 3: a, ( 4 + 3n ) ( n – 1 ) b, ( 7n – 4 ) ( 3 – 5n ) Bài 4: Tìm hai số tự nhiên biết tích của chúng là 8748 và ƯCLN của hai số đó là 27. Bài 5: Cho p là một SNT lớn hơn 3. Hỏi ( p2 + 2003 ) là số nguyên tố hay hợp số? Bài 6: Cho a, n N* biết an 5 . Chứng minh rằng: ( a2 + 150 ) 25
II. Choose the correct word that best fits each blank. 13.She kept .......... asking me questions the whole time. 14.A storm is expected tonight, but the wind and rain should die .......... by morning. 15.Many buildings in the old part of the city are falling ........... 16.They said the operation had been successful and they expected his wife to pull .......... 17.After ten minutes trying to get the answer, I gave ............ 18.The project has been given funding for another year, but it's not ......... the woods yet. 19.His mother lives in the next street to us, which is a little too close for ............ 20.You'll never learn to play the piano if you're not going to .......... at it. 21.In the exam she rose to the .......... and wrote a brilliant essay. 22........... all odds, he recovered from the surgery.
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